وزارة الرتبية التوجيه الفني العام للغة االجنليزية اختبار الصف العاشر- الفرتة الدراسية الثالثة 2016 / 2015

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1 دولة الكويت وزارة الرتبية األسئلة يف 8 صفحات التوجيه الفني العام للغة االجنليزية اختبار الصف العاشر- الفرتة الدراسية الثالثة 2016 / 2015 اجملال الدراسي : اللغة األجنبية األوىل )اإلجنليزية ) الزمن : ساعتني ونصف )املفردات القواعد الوظائف اللغوية الكتاب املقرر التعبري االستيعاب املقروء- التلخيص- الرتمجة( =============================================================================== Total Mark ( 120 Marks ) I. Vocabulary ( 16 Marks) A) From a,b, c and d Choose the correct answer : ( 4x2= 8 Marks ) 1. Prices of all displayed goods must be clearly.. to the customers of the market. a.irreversible b. outlandish c. legible d. philanthropic 2.Our national team..several scoring chances in his final match during the Olympics. a. resolved b. trespassed c. inherited d. squandered 3. Achieving your goals and dreams requires a huge..of time and effort. a. refining b. reputation c. investment d.shipping 4.So far, we have managed to overcome all the. that we faced in our research. a. megawatts b. tumours c. polymers d. obstacles B) Fill in the spaces with the a word from the list that best completes the following sentences: ( 4x2= 8 Marks ) ( management currently - remind sophisticated transmit ) 5- I have made a few notes to me of the main points in the presentation. 6- A degree in business would really help you in finding your future career. 7-Tablets are. used by32 thousand students in the secondary stage in Kuwait. 8-I think the new Mac-Pro laptop contains the most. software. 1 1 P a g e

2 اختبار الفترة الدراسية الثالثة الصف العاشر اللغة االنجليزية العام الدراسي / ص 2 II. Grammar( 12 Marks) A) From a,b, c and d Choose the correct answer : ( 4x2= 8 Marks ) 9. The car was so badly damaged that it. be repaired. a. can b. could c. will be able d. couldn t 10. My brother actually enjoys arguments, I prefer a quiet life. a. due b. since c. whereas d. as long as 11. They would be here by now if they the early flight. a. caught b. catch c. catches d. had caught 12.I wish you... for getting your driving license earlier. a.practise b. will practice c. had practiced d. would practise B) Do as shown between brackets: ( 2x2= 4 Marks ) 13.They cancelled the concert because of the bad weather. (Change into Passive) 14. '' My trainer spurs me to join the sports club next week. (Reported speech) III. Language Functions (16 M ) Write what you would say in the following situations :( 4x4= 16 Marks ) 15. One of your friends says that school rules and regulations are against his beliefs. 16.Your little brother wants to do whatever he likes without taking his parents permission. 17. Your friend wished to study Medicine abroad, but you believe in studying in home country. 18. Someone says that money has become the only thing that makes people happier. 2 2 P a g e

3 اختبار الفترة الدراسية الثالثة الصف العاشر اللغة االنجليزية العام الدراسي 2016/2015 ص 3 IV. Set Book & Literature Time(10 Marks) Set Book questions Answer only TWO of the following questions : ( 2x4= 8 Marks ) 19. The world is expecting a huge change in the field of medicine. Explain. 20- In your opinion, how can we solve the problem of pollution from vehicles and factories? 21- The National Assembly Building evokes Kuwait s rich cultural heritage. Explain. Literature Time Treasure Island. B) Answer only ONE of the following questions: ( 1x2= 2 Marks ) 22- What are the characteristics of a good mother? 23-How will you react when you find someone falling down on the floor? 3 3 P a g e

4 امتحان الفترة الدراسية الثالثة الصف العاشر اللغة االنجليزية V) Composition (30M) A) Write on the following topic: A Report " Energy solutions for the future will increasingly depend on the use of renewable energy resources. Plan and write a report of about (10 sentences 120 words about energy, discussing the following ideas: The importance of energy in our lives. Energy resources. The advantages of the renewable energy resources Write down your outline here: (3M) 4 4 P a g e

5 امتحان الفترة الدراسية الثالثة الصف العاشر اللغة االنجليزية Write your topic here: (27M). Rubrics for checking composition Mark Exposition of ideas, paragraphing and number of sentences 22 Pre-writing techniques ( outlining introduction, Body, conclusion ) 3 Spelling and structure 3 Handwriting, spacing and punctuation. 2 3 marks to be deducted from the total mark for changing the format (5) 30 5 P a g e

6 امتحان الفترة الدراسية الثالثة الصف العاشر اللغة االنجليزية VI-Reading Comprehension& Summary Making (26M) Read the following passage and answer the questions below : Sometimes people find really wonderful things when they are not looking for them. We say they "discover" natural wonders. One clear example was John Colter. Colter was a mountain man who lived alone in the Rocky Mountains of the United States. He loved to walk in the mountains, but one day in 1803 he saw a strange sight. Water was shooting high into the air and falling into a pool of green water. It was a geyser, a natural water fountain. He found other pools of blue water. Some of the pools were hot. The chemicals in the water made beautiful colour, but they also made it smell bad. Nearby there were also large clear lakes and marvelous waterfalls on cold, clear mountain rivers. Colter was exited, so he told others about the place. However, the other people did not believe him. They thought that he was a dreamer; they called him a fool. After they saw these wonders, they, too were excited. Today we call Colter's discovery Yellowstone Park. Another example of a discoverer was Johnny Angel. In 1935, he was flying a small plane in Venezuela. His trip took him over the high mountains, where people like him were looking for gold. Angel did not find gold, but suddenly he saw an amazing sight, a waterfall. The waterfall fell a long way down the mountain. Later he told people about his discovery, the waterfall. They came to see the spectacular sight, and they named it after AngelJonny Falls. It is the highest waterfall on the Earth. The water falls nearly a 979 kilometer meters, or 3,212 feet. Jonny Angel and John Colter are called discoverers of these natural wonders. But are they? Other people lived near these places, and they knew about the pools, waterfalls, geysers, and lakes. Weren't these people the real discoverers of these extraordinary places? Perhaps these places were ordinary to them. Colter and Angel talked about the natural wonders of Rocky Mountains and Venezuelan wilderness. And after that, the people from all over the Earth wanted to see them. A ) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d: (4x3=12) 24. The best title for this passage could be a. Cold Rivers. b. Incredible Discoveries. c. The History of Venezuela. d. The Rivers of The Earth. 6 6 P a g e

7 اللغة االنجليزية الصف العاشر امتحان الفترة الدراسية الثالثة 25. The underlined word marvelous in the 2 nd paragraph is opposite in meaning to a. terrible b. wonderful c. amazing d. surprising 26. The underlined word extraordinary in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to a. common b. usual c. normal d. abnormal 27. The underlined pronoun they in the 3 rd. paragraph refers to a. mountains b. falls c. people d. discoveries B) Answer the following questions: (2x4=8) 28. Why didn't people believe Colter when he told them about Yellowstone Park? 29. What is special about Angel Falls? C. Summary-Making (6 Marks) In not less than four sentences, summarize the 3rd. paragraph in answer to the following question: How did Jonny Angel discover the Angel Falls? 7 7 P a g e

8 امتحان الفترة الدراسية الثالثة الصف العاشر اللغة االنجليزية VII) Translation (10 M) A-With reference to the 1 st paragraph, translate the following into good Arabic: (6 M) Sometimes people find really wonderful things when they are not looking for them. We say they "discover" natural wonders. One clear example was John Colter. Colter lived alone in the Rocky Mountains of the United States. He loved to walk in the mountains, but one day in 1803 he saw a strange sight. B) Translate the following into good English :( 4 marks ) -نحن ندين بالكثير للعلم والعلماء الذين جعلوا حياتنا أسهل وأكثر راحة. - أنت على حق فإنجازات العلماء ال نهاية لها. Good Luck 8 8 P a g e

امتحان الصف السادس الفرتة الدراسية الثانية

امتحان الصف السادس الفرتة الدراسية الثانية ) األسئلة يف ( مخس صفحات ) وزارة الرتبية التوجيه الفني العام للغة اإلجنليزية امتحان الصف السادس الفرتة الدراسية الثانية اجملال الدراسي : اللغة اإلجنليزية الزمن : ساعتان املفردات القواعد - الوظائف اللغوية

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